Our own freshwater tigress

Our own freshwater tigress
How about a belated Christmas gift? Just get out and look for yellow perch! This little freshwater tigress puts on nice fights and they’re delicious to eat too. Let’s see together how to look and aim for them.
Basically, this species is found in almost all water bodies in Quebec. Its size varies according to the habitats and the quality and quantity of food found there. Two easy steps will help you get to them. Start by observing the crowds of yellow perch fishermen, and prepare yourself at home, when you’re comfy and warm. I’d use the Navionics app on my smartphone, and with its many options it's a lot easier. For example, you can identify with strong contrasts the water column you want to target. If I want to have less than twenty feet deep zones in dark blue, I'll be on the ice at the spot indicated by my map without having to drill many holes. The bathymetric charts are relatively accurate, but nothing can replace a sonar or a flasher.
As soon as the first bites occur, drill other holes on the structure you have identified. They must be placed about twenty feet from each other. Before changing holes, try at different depths, because even if the yellow perch likes to stay close to the bottom, they’re sometimes found in suspension for some time, especially when they’re on the move.
An ice fishing sonar helps a lot to find them, but the good fisherman's instinct remains an asset. A light or ultralight rod is appropriate, combined with a small reel. It is capital to keep your set balanced. A monofilament or fluorocarbon of small diameter is required to feel the bites and to present the bait with finesse.
As for lures, use a whole array of them, as long as they are very small. From my experience, I would say that the '' firetiger '' is dominant in my tackle box, followed by silver, red and Chartreuse.
Small larvaes with maggot or worm bits is very effective. Spoons and vertical action lures are effective for tracking. Small-sized lures equiped with sound cages attract yellow perch from afar. The images that accompany the chronicle show the variety of lures that can be used to catch yellow perch. Several factors influence the choice of the lure and its color, such as the color of the water and the depth. The darker it is, the darker your lure has to be.


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