Slab Spoon from RS Tackle

The Slab Spoon by RS Tackle.
Earlier this season Randy Samuelson owner of R.S. Tackle contacted me to look at his one man business spoon maker. He makes them in his garage in Colorado. They are created for ice fishing but they are great for fishing in open waters.
So, I agreed to try it out in the warm season, but I still think it might be a good lure to test in the winter.
The description of the lure is simple, it is a flat oval spoon without curve or deformation. They are constructed in three dimensions; small, medium and large. The respective weights of the 3 sizes is 1/8, 3/8 and ½ ounce. For the attractive aspect, prismatic films was sticked on both sides that reflect a lot of light.
One of our special collaborators Éric Larivière, tested the lure. He targeted a few species including yellow perch, bass and lakers. His first observation concerns the refraction of the lure in the light. In a lake with fairly clear water he saw the Slab Spoon at a good depth. The drop of this lure in the water column is twirling and sweet. The chartreuse, silver and blue, attracted the attention of perch. The red that day left them indifferent.
A constructive remark on the presentation of this spoon would be to change the tripod by decreasing its size.
For me and a few team members, we are looking forward to good results under the ice next season. It will be interesting to see the light refraction will have on the prisms under the ice. I would decrease the tripods to size 10 color red and in this way I think we will have a winning combination lure. A short note on the availability of this lure, it is for sale online only via Facebook and soon on its website. The small spoon is at $ 1.50, the medium size at $ 2.00 and the large at $ 2.50 in American currency. RS On the next hard water season we will give you results of our trials.


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