Small mouth bass under the ice Give them a try!

Small mouth bass under the ice
Give them a try!
Most of us had at least one small mouth bass on the line during our fishing career. This aggressive fish hits a large number of lures, in many conditions. No wonder we ended up organizing fishing tournaments for them.
But what happens when the water freezes? Well, we know for sure that smallmouth bass feed less and that they’re on the slo-mo.
Many people asked me if I was targeting them on the ice, and the answer is yes. I’m spending two or three days on them every winter, and I’m fishing between 10 am and 1 pm. Why? Because I’m looking for them when I’m fishing for trout, and when the sun warms up the ice around noon, their activity increases.
Focus on 35 to 55 ft. ranges, and look for rocky bottom and big drops.
Your lure shall be small. I’ve got a preference for the Forage Minnow and spoons, small to medium size, with a bit of worm or maggot. Trust me, it works. You can also use a curly tail. The list goes on and you’ll have to experience things firsthand to define which lure fits you the most.
Avoid big lures and heavy lures at all costs. Don’t forget smallmouth bass are in slo-mo in winter.
Drop you lure at the bottom even if it takes time. Then move it slightly up, before letting it drop again. Make sure you do this right to make it swim.
Here’s when the sonar comes handy. You’ll see the fish and its real-time reactions.
If it doesn’t work don’t insist and drill a new hole, change the depth, your lure… be proactive. Because when you’ve found them, you’ve hit the jackpot. Smallmouths are often in schools under the ice.
Please be careful, since it’s far more difficult to throw them back without hurting them. Take your time, and be respectful of that marvelous fish.

You’re going to enjoy this, happy bass-hunting!


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