The future of ice fishing

The future of ice fishing

Why should we take any interest in future generations? The answer’s easy to find : the very future of ice fishing depends on that. When I was a kid, my parents brought me outside on the ice and I kept all these memories within me. Today, they still make me dream at night. This passion was born into their hands and still thrives thanks to them. Now, it’s my turn to share the love. This week is dedicated to future generations of ice fishermen. Our work here is definitely turned towards future generations.
There’s no need to complicate things too much if you want the interest of kids. Our lives go so fast that ice fishing is the pause they need. Giving our time to somebody, walking on a frozen pond and drilling a few holes whilst breathing the cold air is the best gift you can offer.
Forget about the performance and the number of fish. Sharing a moment with somebody you love is of the utmost importance. Have some pleasure, bring something to grill on the fire, share experiences and run after flags. Each day of ice fishing can be different and it only needs you to be special.
If we all bring someone we love on the ice this year, we’ll see the results soon and in numbers. It’s that simple. Bid a warm welcome to the newbie, a kid, a boy, a grown man : there’s no age limit to our sport. And in Quebec we’re lucky with all the bodies of water we can dream of.

Now it’s your turn. Bring someone on the ice, and have a good time together !


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