Jigging for Salmonid

What lure can force the salmonid to attack. When I settle in a very well targeted area, and my sonar positively indicates the presence of bait fish, I expect action. Unfortunately, I'm not the one who decide if they ‘’on’’. There are so many factors that we must have a '' B '' plan. The ‘’jig’’ why not. But what lure can cause brown trout, rainbow trout or even landlocked salmon a desire to attack? The market offers us a lot of choices, but I based my selection on three types; Tube, spoon and swim bait. Small white tube (ex Berkley Atomic teaser), Williams Wabler spoon (W40 2 ¼ in. Gold / silver ½, ½) and swimmer (Rippin’ Shad 3/8 ounce white or silver). Sometimes a ¼ oz buck tail blue / white save the game. Your presentation may be erratic, and over the baitfish school.


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