A must for all season

2017 Summer Edition text Guy Lafreniere

 I feel like rewriting what has already been said about this magic lure, but it is really a must. He does not look like anything else but himself. This small lure of 1/16 or 1/32 oz is in the form of a jig that works horizontally or vertically. It is dressed with a skirt of various colors.
The small Atomic teaser by Berkley is an essential in winter. Under the ice it excels for salmonid, but also very effective for yellow perch and bass. Its lightness requires finesse work with an ultra-light rod and a small diameter thread of 4 to 6 pounds maximum. Du their lightweight, it is important to keep a regular tension on the line in order to feel the slightest touch. Sometimes yellow perch will attack the tail of the lure, feel free to remove it or cut a portion of it to give the fish the chance to attack the entire lure.

The success of this small atomic teaser during the summer is well explained by Daniel Robitaille in the magazine Sentier Chasse et Pêche of April 2017. Daniel is an unconditional fan of this lure, he "tested" it under various conditions and various presentations and he can tell you about his efficiency. For my point of view, I use it for many years now and its results are undeniable. When you are thinking about ice fishing lures for the next season, add a small package of Atomic Teaser in your tackle box. For about $ 5 you will have 3 lures ready to be used. All you have to do is choose the color you think is best for your water body and the target species.


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