Rattle cage lures, how its work and why

Rattle cage lures

One of the major innovations of the last decade in fishing lures is undoubtedly the rattle cage lures. Yesterday's simple swimmers minnow transformed today on a formidable ‘’noisy" version. Manufacturers use the cavity in the minnows head or body to introduce beads of different sizes and densities. Intertwines emit vibrations of various tones, that will reach one or more senses of the predators.
By the same way, the addition of weights improves the casting distance of your lure. Depending on the location of the rattle cage in the swimmers, the size of the balls and their densities, the vibration will attract predators at greater distances. Now is the sound emitted by the balls heard or felt by the fish? Certainly bot. As far as the attacks are concerned they are real. Its color or matches of colors as well is still important in our choice. Sky covers, water clarity, current speed, depth to which you want to fish are important factors.

Of course we do not reinvent the sport of fishing, but we can polish our techniques with improved lures.


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