A new star product is born: the St-Croix Mojo Ice
Season 2016-2017 text Guy Lafreniere
For those who believe jigging rods are all equal because of their small size, think again. I tried the Mojo Ice in three powers, ultra-light, light and medium. Its innovative design shows this rod is clearly one of a kind.

When I tried this rod, I was so amazed that I jumped. It’s easy to see that it’s a really nice manufactured product. Then, after that, I had like an epiphany, holding it. I love holding my rod in ''pistol grip / pencil grip,'' whatever name fits you the most. When I held the mojo, I felt like my index went automatically on the branch. You know, it’s the part of the handle that opens upwards, revealing the stem. I’d have to admit I needed a brief moment of adaptation, to feel the rod and adjust my hookset. You’ll notice the action of the rod is allocated over its entire length, making it smooth and powerful at the same time. Then, once I’d get used to it, I only had to reckon it is indeed a formidable tool.


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